A downloadable game for Windows

Hangman but with a twist, you don't know if your input was correct until your next input

This game runs in a custom emulator.  Do NOT just run the .exe, it requires a command line argument that is provided in the shortcut.

after running the shortcut, three condole windows will appear, one is for the emulator itself, the other two are for console io.  Keyboard.exe is the console you need to type into to interact with the emulator.  CharacterPrinter.exe is the console where you will see output from the emulator.  (the last console is the emulator itself, you can press CTRL+C to quit the program from this console)

how to play
in Keybord.exe you can type your guesses like you would with regular hangman, however unlike regular hangman you will not know if that guess was correct until you make your next guess.  Every guess removes one from the guess count, however if after your next guess the previous guess was correct, you will be refunded that guess.  once you reach 0 guesses it's game over.  at the end of the game a new word is chosen at random and you can continue playing

there is one major bug (with the emulator itself) that I have been unable to figure out, when the emulator is trying to print, sometimes it will start printing giberish, if this happens you can either restart the emulator (run the shortcut again) or you can try continuously providing random input until the issue resolves.


Delayed_Hangman.zip 23 kB

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