The year is 2010 and you have just completed your Time Leap Machine.  You have also been hearing rumors online that a self proclaimed Time Traveler has been warning that WW3 starts soon.  Whether these rumors are true or not you are not sure, but at least if they are true you have your Time Leap Machine to try and stop it.

space to interact, esc to close GUI's

gamepads should work, but have not been tested

the room you start in contains the Time Leap Machine

Development log


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i have no idea what is going on help me how on earth does the time machine work why is there a clock also slapping cars is the best way to travel anyway there was also a random invisible wall you can also go off the map but for a first game and first game jam pretty good

Figuring out how the Time Leap Machine works is part of the game, but it's pretty simple.  The clock is there so you can keep track of what happens when so you can plan what to do.  I don't know if you waited long enough or not, but by 3:30 you will know if WW3 happens or not.

ok nice to know i thought was supposed to know it could be clearer that i had to learn

I like the idea, I only wish I knew what to do with the info i'm given. Reminds me of Adventure from Atari days, super kewl.